technics 1210

The death of vinyl and the rise of glitch

Several years ago I decided to move to the other side of the planet. Before I departed my biggest issue was what I would do with my sizable record collection. Luckily for me I have a very generous friend (Steve, thank you) who is taking care of my collection while am I away. I recorded […]

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Hip Hop – Obama says no to Instrumental

Everybody knows the power of words is tremendous, and writing a controversial post increases traffic. A perfect example of this is Phillip Mlynar’s recent article in SF Weekly with an award-winning title “Instrumental Hip-Hop Sucks. Ban It Forever“. I chuckled when I first read the title and knew it was going to cause a stir. […]

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feedbackloop lab cd

Is legally downloaded music value for money?

Are iTunes parasites? Are the ‘old deals’ with the major record labels better deals for the artists. I’d like to know how digital downloads stack up against CDs in terms of value for money for the fans.

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Music Recommendation – Ambienteer ‘hiemal’

We have a big announcement, a cause for celebration. James Fahy a.k.a Ambienteer seems to think a little announcement would suffice. I’m sorry James but that won’t fly with us at Invisible Agent HQ. Ambienteer recently put out his 30th release and we think know this is a monumental occasion. Such frequent and high quality […]

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Merry pranksters from the MPAA

It would seem that MPAA CEO Chris Dodd has completely lost the plot. According to a very angry letter from Senator Dodd, protests against SOPA are ‘pranks’ and websites supporting the Anti-SOPA campaign are doing it “to further their corporate interests”. This would imply the creative commons world, Wikipedia et al, are a bunch of […]

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