Danseizure’s LP “This is Danseizure” – detailed review by Dovetail (Katie Weed)

... the appeal ... lies in his ability to grasp the ephemeral, detailed mystery of countless moments, all in the span of ten tracks...

Album - Danseizure - This is DanseizureKatie Weed writes a detailed and shinning review of Danseizure’s album “This is Danseizure” on her wonderful Dovetail website.

At once energetic, ambient, and brimming with both field recordings and original sounds, the appeal of Danseizure‘s LP “This is Danseizure” lies in his ability to grasp the ephemeral, detailed mystery of countless moments, all in the span of ten tracks.

Check out Katie’s website for excellent music reviews covering many genres. http://soundsandsightsdovetail.blogspot.com/2011/04/danseizure-this-is-danseizure.html

Listen to and purchase Danseizure’s album here.


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